Measurement led Excellence
Purité Audio only represent measurement led designs, which simply means that every component, every loudspeaker is audibly transparent, what goes in is what comes out only louder. Which simply means you cannot purchase a 'better' sounding piece of equipment, irrespective of price.
Innovative Contemporary Design
All our products combine superlative engineering with smart design. Streamers, which are also pre-amplifiers which can also perform room correction automatically.
State of the art completely full-range loudspeakers which can be adjusted to your space and your taste.
We don't just sell you a box we install, measure, discuss and correct until you are totally satisifed.

Superb sound for Everyone
Music for the whole family at the touch of a button.
A pair of Dutch&Dutch 8Cs are a complete system within themselves. Open Roon or Spotify and press play, connect them to your television and everyone can enjoy superlative sound quality.
The days of the Hi-Fi 'shrine' occupying half the room are over.

Performance and Price
Seldom discussed by the Hi-Fi industry but price is rarely an indicator of performance. Hi-Fi components are simply electrical engineering, if the component ( any component) doesn't add audible distortion to the signal then it is audibly transparent, which in terms of sound quality is as good as you can get.
This means that a well engineered, yet properly engineered DAC for example will sound identical to the most expensive, multi box ,milled from solid offering.
Our brains are extremely powerful, cognitive bias plays a huge part in our decision making, if you really want to compare two components ( to determine if there is even the slightest difference) then that comparison must be level matched and unsighted.
We don't sell cable, we don't sell linear power supplies, we certainly don't sell ethernet switches or any other of the whole raft of products invented to solve problems that don't actually exist!
We only sell fine engineering, if a retailer suggests that a power cable will improve your system I suggest that is the moment to walk away.

Transparency and Measurement
Measurement allows us to instantly weed out poorly designed components and loudspeakers. Both Amir ( Audio Science Review) and Erin (Erin's Audio Corner) measure loudspeakers with their Klippel Near Field Systems, the most accurate method available.
Pierre at Spinorama.org has collated all loudspeaker measurements currently available.
Distortion is defined as anything not in the original signal, ie added by the component itself.
When a component does not add anything audible to the original signal it is deemed 'audibly transparent', this means that the sound quality cannot be improved upon at any price.
Every piece of electronics and every loudspeaker we represent are the very finest measuring currently available, ensuring you enjoy the finest sound quality possible.
What actually Matters
Blameless solid state electronics with state of the art measurements are now relatively inexpensive, for example a Wiim Pro Plus is audibly transparent as is the Eversolo A6, a more expensive product may have smarter casework or might even offer added features but it simply cannot improve upon their sound quality, a higher price does not guarantee better performance, although some manufacturer's marketing might have you believe otherwise!
So what will improve the sound of your system, well certainly not the myriad of dubious 'accessories' currently available.
Loudspeakers and their interaction with the room account for at least 90% of the sound quality you hear.
In the past if a choice of loudspeaker excited room modes ( boomy bass) there was no alternative but to exchange that speaker for one with less bass extension, today it is perfectly possible to choose any full-range loudspeaker, acoustically measure your room, remove the gain added by the room, you enjoy completely full-range sound without the 'boom'.
Modern loudspeaker design ensures colourless reproduction, transparency that has never been previously achievable, constant directivity, cardioid response, phase coherency, completely full range allowing you to hear everything on the file, bass is fun.
Not only better sound but convenience and accessibility too, sound reproduction available to everyone at the touch of a button, no more Hi-Fi 'shrine' occupying half the room's floor space just a pair of relatively compact loudspeakers which are designed to be placed right against the wall.
We believe that today a retailer cant justify just selling boxes, so we install, acoustically measure and optimise every system. Our speakers contain both parametric EQ and sophisticated tone controls so it is perfectly possible to adjust the sound exactly to your preference.
When you feel ready to enjoy the finest possible sound quality without the BS, please get in touch.
Purité Audio, London.